How to make your face look slimmer? Make-up tick

How to make your face look slimmer? Make-up tick

When a face is appropriately shaped and contoured then it looks as if it was slimmer, prettier and younger. In most cases, face contouring is associated with use of a concealer, a blusher and a bronzer. However, there are also other techniques of making face slimmer and more attractive. Suffice to define the eyebrows and do appropriate eye make-up. So, what is the manner of face slimming?

Naturally, prepare your face for eye make-up. Start with applying a primer, a make-up foundation and a powder. Basically, you can use a concealer underneath eyes. Next, define your eyebrows by marking their shape and thickness since this also affects the way our face looks. Precisely emphasized eyebrows balance disproportions, lift eyes and dropping eyelids up optically as well as make face longer. However, be careful while shaping eyebrows. If you remove too many hairs from the beginning of the arch, you will make it rectangular in shape. What is more, remember not to overdo with defining eyebrows using an eyebrow pencil. The colour should be neither too dark nor the shape of the line too angular.

As mentioned before, you can make your face optically slimmer if you use appropriate eye shadows. These have to be similar to your skin tone. Start with marking inner corners of the eyes with a dark shade and stretch it a little bit towards above the crease area. In such a way, you will make the eyes look as if they were bigger. Now, reach for a lighter shade of brown and apply it on crease of the eye and on lower eyelids. Next, cover the upper eyelids with a shade of champagne gold. It is a kind of calmer and softer version of golden eye shadow (it might overwhelm your eyes). Now, highlight inner corners of the eyes with a pink gold eye shadow. In such a way, you will add freshness and lightness to your look. After that, draw a line on the upper eyelash line with an eyeliner. When you do it skilfully, and when you manage to lift the line a little bit, this will also result in your face looking slimmer. Now, take an eye pencil of nude colour and apply it along water line. Finally, coat your eyelashes with a mascara and apply false eyelashes. These will distract the attention from notable cheeks, nose or chin. What is more, such a technique will make your eyes bigger. Now, focus on your lips and provide these with delicate and girlish look. In order to obtain this kind of effect, use a coral lipstick (without gloss). When you cover your lips in such a way, these will catch eyes yet these will not be the main element of the face.

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