Do you know how to do perfect make-up? Part 1

Do you know how to do perfect make-up? Part 1

Face Contouring

Contouring, shadowing, highlighting and shaping of face is a technique that depends on bringing out the advantages and camouflaging all the flaws of one’s face. How to do it properly? First of all, apply a make-up foundation of two tones brighter than your complexion’s colour. Than, in order to contour the face, you have to use a bright bronzer. The complete make-up has to be finished using a powder. Another key question to answer, which parts have to be darkened and which ones ought to be highlighted? In general, area underneath brow arch, top of cheekbones, area between eyebrows, area between an upper lip and bottom and a nose, the bridge of a nose – these are the very face parts that require highlighting. When it comes to darkening, it is advised to apply the bronzer on tip and sides of a nose, area below jowl, skin that touches hair base (forehead), temples and area above cheekbones. It goes without saying that all the layers have to be ideally blended creating a kind of a smooth gradient on your face.

Eyebrow Shaping

Thickness and size of eyebrows should match shape of the face. To illustrate, an oval face will go best with eyebrows in a shape of delicate arch. People having oblong face should shape their eyebrows flat. Highly curved eyebrows will compose well on round face. In fact, a square face looks good with such eyebrows as well. When it comes to a heart-shaped face, it should be decorated with eyebrows that are slightly lifted up. People having square and heart-shaped faces can wear eyebrows that are thick near a nose and become slimmer when heading temples. Thin and fine eyebrows will suit the other shapes of faces.

How and with what products should cheeks be coloured?

In most cases, cheeks are covered with a blusher. This is obvious. What might be problematic though, is picking the right shade and texture of the product. Naturally, these features should match type of the particular complexion. To illustrate, powder blushers are perfect for oil face type, whereas, liquid blushers will go with mature or dry skin type. Pale complexion and the bright ones in general, will compose well with coral shaded blushers, normal skin with apricot blushers and dark complexion with a plump-shaded blusher. Another aspect to discuss, when it comes to application of a blusher, best to use either a make-up sponge or a big and soft make-up brush. In brief, the cosmetic has to be put on the most emphasised parts of cheeks (only when smiled). The product, regardless its texture, has to be applied starting from cheeks and then head towards temples. The movement should be repeated the other way round.

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