When you are at beautician’s, you count on the professional beauty treatment, excellent service and the high quality products. But, what would you do if the condition of your skin got deteriorated right after the treatment, some irritations were noticeable and the service was terrible? Unfortunately, this kind of situations might happen. And do you know, what types of unpleasant surprises might wait for you during and after the eyelash extension treatments?
Eyelash lengthening and thickening beauty treatment
What is the procedure of eyelash lengthening and thickening beauty treatment? Generally speaking, a beautician attaches one or more false eyelashes to the one located on your eyelid. The false eyelashes are made of silk, synthetic fibers or fur of small animals. There are a lot of false eyelashes attachment methods as there are plenty of false eyelashes’ types – these have got various shapes, colours, thicknesses, lengths and the angles of curving. The beauty treatment consists of several steps. First of all, the beautician cleanses and sanitizes the eye skin area. Secondly, she separates eyelashes, one by one, and starts the arduous process of the false lashes attachment.
If the beautician is inexperienced or does not acquire manual skills, there is rather a great possibility that she will do harm to our eyes. What are the most common bloomers made during eyelash lengthening and thickening beauty treatments?
Firstly, the equipment. All instruments, cosmetics, adhesives, false eyelashes, primers, cleansers etc. should have certificate of quality. It does happen, that instead of using cosmetic pads destined especially for false lash attachment, the beautician uses a common adhesive tape. What is more, the instruments may not be sanitized at all or may not be disposable. Additionally, the cosmetics or the adhesives may be out-of-date.
Secondly, styling. The beautician should conduct the beauty treatment in such a way to emphasis eye assets and to hide all the flaws. She should be also aware of the method of choosing the proper shape, length and thickness of false eyelashes. Otherwise, the client will be looking like a comic hero having unnaturally looking eyelashes (too long, uneven and curved in every possible direction.)
Thirdly, natural eyelash care. During the beauty treatment, it is not recommended to load the eyelashes, stick eyelashes together or pluck out single eyelashes. The false eyelashes should be selected in such way to prevent the natural ones from falling out in every potential situation.
Fourthly, experience. The beautician should continuously improve her skills, take part in training courses, obtaining certificates. Avoid the beauticians who gain their knowledge only from the Internet or DVD’s tutorials.
The most common mistakes made by the beautician include: putting on too much of adhesive, leaving big gaps between eyelashes and eyelids, gluing together eyelashes or attaching extremely long or uneven ones. What is more, artificially curved eyelashes and badly-chosen ones are yet next examples of the mistakes made by the beautician. The last but not least one are eyelashes resembling spider’s legs.
Remember, it is you who is to decide about the method of beautifying the eyes, the way of lengthening or thickening eyelashes and the choice between the beauty salons. Again, you are the person whose time is invested in the treatment (one session lasts approximately three hours and the supplementary sessions lasts approximately one hour.) Moreover, this is your money to be spend, and in most cases, it is quite large amount of money, because one session costs approximately 45 GBP (or even more) and the supplementary sessions half of the mentioned sum.
Eyelash conditioners
So, what is the proper way of taking care of eyelashes? Is it worth risking to undergo the eyelash lengthening and thickening beauty treatment? Definitely, there are easier methods of beautifying eyelashes treatments. For instance, you can reach for eyelash conditioners. Benefits? Eyelash conditioners have got plenty of them – money, time, application, to name just a few. Obviously, some of the overwhelming advantages or a conditioner treatment are the natural effects and taking care only of your own lashes. How does the eyelash conditioner really works?
The eyelash conditioners works with the eyelash bulbs, inspiring them to the more efficient work. Eyelashes become longer, thicker, double their volume and change the color into the darker one. During the systematic treatment, all eyelashes become nourished, strengthened and regenerated.
The eyelash conditioners are comprised of natural active substances which are mainly the flower extracts. This kind of composition provides the safety for both eyelid skin and eyes. Eyelash conditioners do not cause any irritations and allergic reactions.
How does the application look like? The greater part of eyelash conditioners included special brushes, which enable the flawless application of the cosmetic. The application should be performed on the upper and lower eyelids, and the cosmetic should be put right at the eyelash lines.
Nanolash – eyelash conditioner
Nanolash eyelash conditioner has got only natural ingredients, composed to take care of eyelashes. Additionally, it makes eyelashes longer, stronger, doubles their volume and also regenerates and nourishes them. It does not cause any irritation and does not dry eyelid skin. In fact, Nanolash works quite the opposite way, because it moisturizes and eases the eyelid skin.
The first results are visible after two or three weeks, whereas, the final results of the beauty treatment are noticeable after two or three months since the first application. After the desired effects are achieved, it is advisable to apply the conditioner a few times in a week. The complex treatment lasts approximately six months.
Nanolash should be applied every evening. Firstly, what you have to do is the precise make-up removal without leaving water on the eyelids. Otherwise, the conditioner might find it difficult to get absorbed completely. With a thin brush, you have to paint a line on both the upper and lower eyelid, just on the eyelash line. The conditioner is absorbed immediately.
In my opinion, the main reason why a serum is much better is the netural effect that it gives. Eyelash extensions will always look fake
This serum is amazing! I recenlty started using the second packaging. Now, I apply it max 3 times per week and the effect is still beautiful
I had eyelash extensions applied once and I will never make the same mistake
I started using nanolash to save my lashes after taking off eyelash extensions, It was just one big disaster but the serum helped me pretty quickly. It managed to regenerate my lashes and grew new ones longer than ever before.
I’ve been wearing eyelash extensions for the past few months but I am aware of the fact that soooner rather than later, I’ll have to give them a break and some time to rest and Imight be needing a seru like that
I wouldnt be able to lay down without movement for so long;) it’s actually one of the reasons why I won’t have eyelash extensions done
its the third month when I am using the same serum and I am thrilled. The first effects were visible after the first month and they were incredible! Right now I can say that y lashes are not only longer but also thicker.
If the materials are of good-quality and the application is done by a professional then there is no threat that the natural lashes will be damaged. As fas as I am concearned, inappropriate removal of the lash extension is much more dangerous and damaging
I cannot believe that any beauty salon would work with old adhesives. Maybe such thing could happen if some random people do it at home and charge less than the profesional stylist.
Girls, it doesn’t even matter because every eyelash extension burdens the natural one so it damages it at the same time.Maybe it’s less damaging when done by a professional but still harmful. No difference for me.
I had eyelash extensions done in the best salon in the city and after taking them off, my lashes were breaking, short and it wasn’t an illusion because I was still used to the nice look, no, my lashes were in a very bad state
definitely an eyelash serum. Maybe lashes won’t be as long and thick as the false ones but after all, you know they will be natural and strong
I had that serum and I was very happy with the effects. It increased the length of my lashes significantly which is why I dont see the point in getting eyelash extensions. Plus, there are no restictions or limitations when it comes to the care of natural lashes as it is in the case of the false ones
It was the worst for me! I could feem them on my eyelids all the time and I couldn’t seep well because you have to be careful evern during the sleep.
I have never had and never will get eyelash extensions, I am using revitalash and thanks to it, I have long and thick lashes anyway
it’s too expensive for me so what’s the point of overpaying if nanolash works equally good?
Actually, revitalash doesn’t suit me, it seems that nanolash is more gentle to my eyes and works a bit faster, at least for me